Provided services to over 350 families each month (13,500 individuals)

Clothes Distributed:   94,000 lbs.

Food Distributed:   300,000 lbs.

Thank you to all who support the CARE Mission!

If you have a desire to volunteer your God-given talents at the CARE Mission, please contact Jerri A. Glahn at 859-635-4500 for additional information.

Meijer “Simply Give”

2025 Spring Campaign

Purchase this card found at the checkout at the Cold Spring Meijer for $10 and the CARE Mission will receive $20 worth of food after Meijer matches your purchase.

Purchase this card on Saturday, June 14, 2025 and the CARE Mission will receive $30 worth of food after Meijer double-matches your purchase.



Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

I Peter 4:10